Individual Landlord Partners & Their Complaint Processes Apts Downtown Complaint Process Apts Near Campus Complaint Process Apts at Iowa Complaint Process While there are minor differences between each partnership, each complaint process is embodied in a consent decree entered by the Court and agreed among a tenant or tenants of the landlord, the Tenants' Project and the landlord. The complaint process is voluntary, but if a tenant wishes to take advantage of it, they should first make a complaint via e-mail to the designed contact of the landlord. If the complaint is not resolved within 10 business days of the e-mail, the tenant can go to the Tenants' Project. The Tenants' Project will evaluate the complaint and if it involves a violation of the Iowa Landlord Tenant Act, there is sufficient evidence to prove the complaint and the complaint is fair and reasonable, then the Tenants' Project will represent the tenant, at the cost of the landlord, to resolve the complaint. The Tenants' Project will attempt to informally resolve the complaint with the landlord. Mediation is also available. If the complaint cannot be resolved, then a small claims case can be filed. Tenants will need to pay the filing fees and court costs, but attorney fees are paid by the landlord. The Complaint Process represents an incredible opportunity to level the playing field for landlords and tenants. It also represents a real leap of faith for landlords, whose willingness to work with the Tenants' Project and to even pay for tenant represenation, shows a true willingness to work for reform and harmony in landlord tenant relations. The Apartments Downtown, Apartments Near Campus and Apartments at Iowa complaint processes are fully operational as of July 30, 2016. The Kacena Real Estate Management and River City Property Management complaint processes are in the process of being set up. If you are a tenant of Kacena or River City with a complaint contact the Tenants' Project for information. You can see information about individual landlord partners and their complaint processes here: